How to Clean Wicker Patio Furniture

Wicker is a very popular choice for furniture, both indoors and outdoors, and it’s not that hard to see why. Its natural beauty combined with comfort and durability, does make it a preferable option for most spaces. If you go for this material, you need to learn how to clean wicker patio furniture in order to keep it looking its best and to make it last for as long as possible.

How to Clean Wicker Patio Furniture That Is 100% Natural

Dust is one of your biggest enemies when it comes to wicker patio furniture. The multiple tiny crevices in the furniture can accumulate dust more quickly than you might expect, especially if you keep them outdoors. For this reason, regular vacuuming is highly recommended. The brush attachment is very useful for dislodging stubborn dust stuck in the gaps and corners.

With frequent vacuuming, once or twice a year of deep cleaning should be enough, unless for some reason it has been heavily soiled. In this case, use an old toothbrush and a solution of two cups of warm water combined with one-fourth cup of natural dish detergent to gently clean the wicker. Rinse carefully with a soft damp sponge or rag. Make sure it is completely dry before sitting on it or putting anything on it in order to prevent sagging and the growth of mold and mildew.

In extreme cases where the wicker has become so packed with dirt, you can use a steam cleaner to dislodge all the grime. The best time to do this would be on a windy and sunny day, as this will ensure faster drying of the material.

How to Clean Wicker Patio Furniture That Is Synthetic

The procedure for cleaning synthetic or resin wicker is the same as for the natural variety. However, the resin can be given a more thorough hosing down if it gets really dirty. There is no need to worry about making it sag because the material will keep its form regardless of how vigorously you clean it.

How to Care for Your Wicker Patio Furniture

Being outdoors, wicker patio furniture will get considerably exposed to sunlight as well as other weather elements. Wicker is a pretty durable material but it is not impervious to damages caused by various weather conditions. Direct sunlight, for instance, can cause cracking and unraveling of the wicker strips. Constant exposure to rain makes natural wicker furniture more vulnerable to mildew. The extreme changes in temperature also affect its elasticity, causing it to become brittle or deformed over time.

For these reasons, it is advisable to keep them protected from the elements by having a patio roof installed, or by putting a protective covering on them when not in use. Even better, you can move them to a safer spot when the weather is not quite ideal.

Knowing how to clean wicker patio furniture is important even if you use them indoors and away from sunlight and rain. You still need to vacuum regularly because dust still collects even inside the house. If they get spilled on, it is vital that you clean and dry them right away.

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